13 Best Yoga Poses for Bloating: Must Read It

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Best Yoga Poses for Bloating

Bloating your stomach is never fun, even if it’s inevitable, whether it’s because your digestive system is inflamed or because it’s that time of the month. We have listed 14 yoga poses for bloating in this guide to help you relief.

Yoga positions encourage free gas flow through the digestive system. Here’s how the age-old yoga practice can reduce your bloated stomach.

Can Yoga Reduce Bloating?

Even menstrual cramps can be relieved by yoga, according to scientific research. Yoga reduces bloating primarily by stimulating the digestive system physically and by reducing stress in a way that facilitates digestion.

Physical Relief: To relieve a bloated stomach, some yoga poses concentrate on the digestive system and abdominal organs. These asanas encourage the movement of things through the digestive system by stretching, gently twisting, massaging, and massaging.

Stress Relief: At the same time, the stress relief of deep breath work and relaxation helps to relax your nervous system so you can tap into the parasympathetic (or “rest and digest”) state.

13 Best Yoga Poses for Bloating

  • Knees Hugged to Chest or “Apanasana”
  • Child’s Pose or “Balasana”
  • Spinal Twist
  • Bridge Pose or “Setu Bandha Sarvangasana”
  • One-Legged Seated Spinal Twist
  • Seated Forward Bend Pose or “Paschimottanasana”
  • Seated Heart Opener
  • Cat and Cow or “Marjaryasana and Bitilasana”
  • Open Triangle Pose or “Trikonasana”
  • Downward Facing Dog or “Adho Mukha Savanasana”
  • Standing Forward Bend or “Uttanasana”
  • Breathe In and Out or “Pranayama”
  • Chair Pose or “Utkatasana”

Knees Hugged to Chest Or “Apanasana”

This easy stretch, also referred to as the wind-relieving pose, is what you should do to get relief from bloating and gas discomfort.

How to do it: Put your hands on your knees as you lie down, breathe deeply, and relax. Hug your knees to your chest as you exhale. To maximize the stretch, sway your knees from side to side. Release your knees after a five to ten breath hold. Repeat this action several more times.

Modification: As high as is comfortable, lift your knees. One side at a time can be used to vary the stretch. Bring your right knee up and hold it there for five or more breaths while keeping your left leg extended. After that, change to the opposite side.

Child’s Pose Or “Balasana”

Yoga Poses for Bloating

This simple exercise, also referred to as the resting pose, can be used to get a soothing stretch. Spend at least five breaths in this position.

How to do it: Your legs should be widely apart as you sit on your knees and feet. Stretching your arms in front of you, lean forward. Then, while maintaining a straight back, place your forehead on the ground.

Modification: Placing your head on a block or a pillow will help you maintain the pose.

Related Post: Benefits Of Child’s Pose

Spinal Twist

Use this twisting position to relax and firm your stomach.

How to do it: As you inhale, lie down and hug your knees. Kneel to the left and gently press them down with your left hand as you exhale. After that, turn to the right and extend your arm. Ten to five breaths should be held. Bring your hands and knees back to the center as you take a breath. Repeat on the opposite side.

Bridge Pose Or “Setu Bandha Sarvangasana”

Your blood will flow more freely as a result of this mild inversion, giving you more energy.

How to do it: Knees bent, lie down on the floor. Keep your feet flat on the ground and your arms at your sides. A good chest stretch requires raising your hips. Try this variant to help your digestion. “Hold the position by pushing one hip up. Take five breaths, then switch to the other side,” said Gold.

Modification: Maintaining a backbend and opening your chest while keeping your hands underneath you. Alternatively, you could interlace your fingers and clasp your hands behind your back.

One-Legged Seated Spinal Twist

This twist pose gives you more control over your stretch because you’re performing it while seated.

How to do it: Legs outstretched while you sit. Your right knee should be bent, and you should plant your heel close to your body. Put your palm on the ground with your right arm extended behind you. To aid in turning, place your left elbow on the outside of your right knee. Stay for five or more breaths, lengthening the stretch with each exhalation. After that, let go of the twist and repeat on the opposite side.

Seated Forward Bend Pose Or “Paschimottanasana”

You can unwind and reduce some of the stress that is impairing your digestion by performing this easy stretch.

How to do it: Your legs should be in front of you as you sit on the ground. Lean slowly forward at the hips while maintaining a straight back. Ten to five deep breaths should be taken there.

Modification: As you stoop, remember to keep it comfortable and feel the stretch.

Seated Heart Opener

Seated Heart Opener

Your belly will be stretched out and any stomach cramps will be relieved by this move.

How to do it: Place your palms about eight inches behind you with your fingertips pointing away from you as you lean back while sitting on your heels. Lift your chest and arches your back as you place your hands firmly on the ground. Your hips should feel like they are pressing against your heels. Lowering your head behind you will lengthen the stretch. Feel the tension in your chest and throat. Then, sit up after holding for five breaths.

Modification: While seated in a chair, you can perform this pose. Feel the stretch by lifting your chest and bending your back.

Cat and Cow Or “Marjaryasana and Bitilasana”

Warm up your spine and release tension in your back and neck by switching between these two poses.

How to do it: Get to your knees and squat on the ground. Make sure your back is straight and your abs are contracted as you inhale. In order to perform the cat pose, exhale, lower your head, and round up your spine. In the cow pose, lift your head and butt while arching your back. As you alternate between the two poses, link your inhale to the cow pose and your exhale to the cat pose. Repeat several times.

Open Triangle Pose Or “Trikonasana”

Open Triangle Pose

With this pose, you can tone your stomach and get a great stretch and twist.

How to do it: With your right foot pointed toward the side of the mat, stand and take a large step back. As you hinge forward at the hips, spread your arms wide and maintain a long spine. Drop your left hand to the ground. Keep your arms open and raise your right arm. Look up at your right hand. Before standing up straight to get out of the pose, look down at your left foot. Continue on the opposite side.

Modification: Bring your forward hand, or a yoga block next to your foot, down to your shin.

Related Post: How To Do Triangle Pose In Yoga?

Downward Facing Dog Or “Adho Mukha Savanasana”

Stretch your entire body out to re-energize your body and mind.

How to do it: Put your feet hip-width apart when standing. Hinge forward while maintaining a straight back and place your palms on the floor. Five to ten breaths should be held during the pose. Kid’s pose should be alternated with.

Modification: Increase the distance between your feet, and bend your knees to make it simpler to maintain a straight back.

Standing Forward Bend Or “Uttanasana”

Standing Forward Bend

Holding this position will help to strengthen your spine and relax your neck and back.

How to do it: Bend forward at the waist while standing with your legs apart. Your hands should be on the ground while maintaining a straight back.

Modification: unable to get to the floor For support while holding the pose, rest your hands on a yoga block or some furniture.

Breathe in and Out Or “Pranayama”

Take a moment to breathe deeply for up to five minutes after the exercise is finished. “This is the best way to wind up your yoga practice for a final healing to the digestive system,” said Gold.

How to do it: Inhale deeply through your nose. Next, take a deep breath in through each nostril. Repeat five to ten times, each time paying close attention to your breath.

Chair Pose Or “Utkatasana”

In addition to strengthening and toning your legs, this pose opens up your chest.

How to do it: Your feet should be close together as you stand. As if you were sitting in a chair, bend your knees. Lift your arms above your ears at the same time. Straighten your arms as you exhale to leave the position. After that, stand up and put your arms by your sides. “For more dynamic action, you can move out of the pose and into a standing position on alternating breaths,” said Gold.

Modification: You can maintain the pose better by leaning against a wall. If you’re stiff, spread your feet apart until they are hip-width apart.

What Causes Bloating?

Science has shown that stress and anxiety, especially in women with IBS and those with anxiety, can make bloating, digestive problems, and bowel discomfort worse.

Bloating is caused by a buildup of air in your digestive system due to:

  • Certain microbes in your GI tract
  • Inflammatory foods
  • Food allergies or sensitivities
  • Chronic stress (research shows that stress causes the sympathetic “fight or flight” nervous system to be activated and alter the body’s ability to properly digest food)
  • Eating or drinking too quickly
  • Constipation
  • Diseases of the digestive tract and chronic conditions (such as obesity, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome))

Addressing the root cause with a doctor or naturopath is essential for long-term reduction of bloating, but yoga can provide short-term relief.

Final Thoughts on Yoga Poses for Bloating

Next time you feel bloated after a big meal, don’t reach for medications just yet. Try yoga for a quick and natural cure to ease bloating and reduce stress. The best asanas involve twisting your midsection, folding your body forward, contracting your abs, and/or lengthening your stomach upward.

Enjoy the stretch and don’t be afraid to let the gas out freely so you don’t feel so heavy later!

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